Because (Song)
January 20, 2013
Brush with Death
January 20, 2013

Birthday Dinner Invitation

I’m inviting you to my home, for my birthday dinner party.
You may be scared, you may be chilly
So if you like, wear your vest or a little woolly.

We will have an evening of music and fun;
It’s on the first of April seven thirty for eight,
Pretend to be very English that night, please try not to be late.
Should you wish to participate entertaining,
Singing a song, telling a tale or just being silly
Your input we would be valuing
My friend, you are warm hearted and kind,
However no birthday gifts of any kind
I will that day from you, expect to find.
However, should you wish to give a gift?
Remember Friends for Life or the Cyprus Samaritans give them a lift.
A donation they would certainly treasure, in full measure.

Please let me know as soon as you are able
If you can accept this sincere invitation.