With no fanfare or warning at all,
On this evening of dreams,
Mother nature modestly displays,
Her silk chiffon shawl of the sea.
Streaks of soft grey, gentle emerald,
Pensive blue, are her hues,
And her borders are of pure white bridal
Climbing distant hills
To kiss the innocent untroubled sky.
And in the morning’s dazzling daylight,
Her pallet changes.
Slate blue and delicate greys she now
The sea, as part of nature’s serenade,
Rhythmically strokes the shore,
Like lovers, in flirtatious mode.
I am yours, I am not,
You have me, you have me not.
A lazy boat, as chaperone, crawls by.
A snow white gull glides down to see
And the golden sun as governor
Wraps us in a warm embrace.
The silk shawl of many hues,
This gift of colours and nature’s orchestral
I stop to savour, for they are the same, but
not the same;
Through history our forbears have sampled;
Gifts to us all, and others to come,
In their turn to stop, and wonder.