The Company name is Pegasus,
The mythical winged horse, a constellation.
Who, it is said, with its hoof kicked a stone,
Creating out of rock a fountain.
Just as their name sake changed stone to a
The builders built me a beautiful home from a
They arrive early as usual, soon after daybreak,
As they are eager their work to get started,
With their easy charm, and warm genuine smiles,
It is lovely to have them around.
They work briskly, sometimes even running,
Always so willing able and funny,
Facing another hot humid day outside,
In Cyprus’s, relentless scorching sunshine.
They are young, their bodies like burnished
Their work clothes in the morning fresh and
But the savage day’s toil takes its toll
And in the evening they leave quite differently.
Should I have a problem relating to the property,
However large or small,
My worry is taken away, becomes theirs;
Resolved, almost immediately.
They are a team, each one respecting the other,
They all have their own special skill to impart,
Always good humoured, always giving their all,
And never a cross word have I ever heard.
Soon they will leave me, to build elsewhere,
I must brace myself for that sad day,
May I wish them success, and happiness to come,
For they do deserve it, each and every one.