The flag of hypocrisy in Syria, is held high
By the hand that tossed the bomb, and told the lie;
That the people could determine their future destiny;
But it was under the guise of Western democracy.
So voting came at the height of Syria’s agony,
Thousands had fled many more thousands would die,
Being imprisoned slaughtered terrorised and tortured.
This sham election, was a humiliation for the nation;
As Assad the tyrant is again, voted in,
We should have forever silenced him.
As bombs dropped and blood was spilling
He and his friends to the ballet box with no guilt,
Their own peoples blood, dripping from their hands;
Whilst noble buildings and simple dwellings over decades built
Collapsed, now piles of rubble, a gap in history stands.
It’s inhabitants crushed, many long gone to other lands.
As ruthless and as callous as a Nazi physician
The body and spirit of Syria, continues to be butchered;
While foreign powers look on, many seem unbothered.