I’m inviting you to my home, for my birthday dinner party.
You may be scared, you may be chilly
So if you like, wear your vest or a little woolly.
We will have an evening of music and fun;
It’s on the first of April seven thirty for eight,
Pretend to be very English that night, please try not to be late.
Should you wish to participate entertaining,
Singing a song, telling a tale or just being silly
Your input we would be valuing
My friend, you are warm hearted and kind,
However no birthday gifts of any kind
I will that day from you, expect to find.
However, should you wish to give a gift?
Remember Friends for Life or the Cyprus Samaritans give them a lift.
A donation they would certainly treasure, in full measure.
Please let me know as soon as you are able
If you can accept this sincere invitation.