
August 1, 2014

Granny and Felix. Twenty six months

Felix runs so very fast If in competition, all the others would be last. He races towards the lake, fringed with swans ducks and geese His […]
July 3, 2014

To Forget

How can he forget the warmth of the sun and how cold the snow. You told him to forget you, his emotions he tried not to […]
July 3, 2014

The Healer

Her frame was old, curled, from the trauma of life, Her shoulders hunched, carrying for years the world’s strife. Sad dull grey eyes gave sign, she […]
July 3, 2014

The Perfect Day

I dream of a day, such as today. I am not alone, you are here to stay. The warm sun of hope on flowers and fauna […]
July 3, 2014

Refugees Hunger Strike in Cyprus

They have nothing to lose but their bodies now. Homes, aspirations gone, as their land they were forced to flee. Some escaped with their children and […]
June 14, 2014

Syrian Election

The flag of hypocrisy in Syria, is held high By the hand that tossed the bomb, and told the lie; That the people could determine their […]
June 10, 2014

Let go

Don’t swivel around and stare, giving me your full attention, People will think from your face, we have more than affection; To be together forever was […]
June 10, 2014

Felix at twenty five months

Felix holds my hand as we walk along; His little soft fingers curled inside mine. He loves to swing between his mummy and me Then sag […]
June 2, 2014

Asylum Seekers

Listen to the pounding, of displaced persons feet. The world trembles to the beat, of invasion they won’t meet. It’s the destitute and fearful, who flee […]
June 2, 2014

The Path.

He will never entice me again, Down his path of sunshine leading to rain. That happy lane of laughter, where kissing leaves, Embrace sunbeams between the […]
May 4, 2014

Donec tempus urna risus

Maecenas arcu elit, dictum quis, tincidunt vel, consequat ipsum et wisi. Morbi orci. Vestibulum ante ipsum dolor ut lacus. Ut laoreet metus tellus, quis lacus nibh, imperdiet wisi, vitae imperdiet dignissim.
May 4, 2014

Videamus animi partes quarum

Sapien leo ultrices posuere cubilia Curae, Nulla massa. Donec gravida vitae, consequat wisi. Sed pharetra. Morbi tellus tincidunt justo. Sed placerat dui. Integer sodales pede. Sed malesuada fames ac turpis nec.
May 4, 2014


Welcome stranger to our shores Our hearts are open, our home is yours. We fear those who advantage take But you and yours are in a […]
May 4, 2014

Fełix. Twenty Three Months

Felix flings himself, into anything. He is competitive, loves winning, Be it on foot, bike, scooter,or car, He does his best, to be the star. Felix […]
May 3, 2014

Praesent ornare hendrerit sed faucibus quis cras

Leo felis vitae odio eget velit. Mauris purus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut sodales lectus rhoncus suscipit. Aliquam posuere cubilia Curae, Nullam feugiat pulvinar. Nulla venenatis. Morbi cursus pulvinar at, velit.
May 1, 2014

Aliquam vitae pede mau pre tium nec

Integer eu pulvinar interdum, lacus. Nunc eleifend justo neque, fringilla lorem, pretium magna. Praesent ac turpis a felis. Vestibulum non neque tristique commodo. Cras mauris quis suscipit a, urna. Cras lorem.
April 7, 2014

The Despondent Writer

You say you are appalled, by your mistakes in your novel; Errors of composition of sentences put together as though with a shovel. Listen to Saint […]
April 7, 2014

The Flower in The Rubble

Regard the flower growing in the rubble. Despite dust and debris of passions spent; This flower can live longer than others meant, Caring and concern do […]
March 1, 2014

The Reform Cub Through the eyes of a new member

Through the eyes of a new member The Club, a bastion of English manners and civility; Rests in the centre of London’s Regency. A magnet for […]
January 18, 2014

Felix Twenty Months

How I love this little boy. Aglow with a zest for life. He can now say Daddy Mamma Dee and me. Three months ago he said […]