With ineptitude, they delay decisions, using honeyed words.Historic problems in the undergrowth, turning into devil turds.Restitution for Windrush and Grenfell, little has accured. Delayed decisions, on […]
They are not men of integrityDevoid of common sense and honesty.They were given the trust of their countryThe responsibility, seems not taken seriously. Both nations ravished, […]
Hundreds of happy hopefuls, arrived in song,Returning to the mother country, where they belonged.Expecting the English welcome, would be strong. Invited to integrate, into this white […]
You have in your grasp, wise helpful reports.Solutions are left on your desk, in the shade;For years untouched, they have remained.Churchill the historian, won the war,Today, […]
The coward cowers in his bunker deep,For him, there is no sleep.Hiding from the protesting throngDemanding equal rights, for so long. He cannot sleep, in this […]
I thought the Bible he held, would burst into flames;As desreputable Trump, by the church,Posed for a selfie to be framed.Having cleared the street, with bullets […]
A white policeman knelt, on a black man’s neck,Causing him to painfully, slowly, expire.The sight, ignited a furnace of fury, so fierce,Exposing decades, of vile xenophobic […]
He slinks in and out of number ten, in his scruffy stateHis demeanour, reflecting his constitutional contemptHis presents undermining, daily Government’s authority;As the power he wields, […]
The tide of justice, is at last turning.For outraged people are demanding,White and black rights must be the same.Police and soldiers in solidarity, to the march […]
My solitary walk during the pandemic A diamond of hope you nestle, Beside a spread of clear untroubled water. Verdant hills, your canopy, Your purity, my […]
The terrible twins have appalling policies. Never before, in The West, has there been so much disunity. So many citizens now suffering, from severe anxiety. Not […]
We are all responsible, for children ’In Care.’ Removed from home, taken away from danger there. Why do we send children, away from their place? So […]
The decorators had just closed the door. When Granny arrived, leaving her crutches on the floor. The Boy lifted one, to the newly decorated ceiling, The […]