July 23, 2020


Hundreds of happy hopefuls, arrived in song,Returning to the mother country, where they belonged.Expecting the English welcome, would be strong. Invited to integrate, into this white […]
July 23, 2020

The Terrible Twins

The terrible twins have appalling policies.Never before, in The West, has there been so much disunity.So many citizens now suffering, from severe anxiety.Not due to war, […]
July 23, 2020

Downing Street

Pressure from backbenchers is responsible for change,Feeding disadvantaged children in the holidays, it seems the first stage.Huawei it seems to be dropped, perhaps other things now […]
July 23, 2020

Bojo and Trump

The terrible twins persist in destroying,EU trades built up over decades, now gone, or are in jeopardy.Trump brags he’s taken apart Obama’s accomplishments.Such as a health […]
June 28, 2020

Motley Crew

With ineptitude, they delay decisions, using honeyed words.Historic problems in the undergrowth, turning into devil turds.Restitution for Windrush and Grenfell, little has accured. Delayed decisions, on […]
June 28, 2020
Donald Trump and Boris Johnson

The Terrible Twins

They are not men of integrityDevoid of common sense and honesty.They were given the trust of their countryThe responsibility, seems not taken seriously. Both nations ravished, […]
June 28, 2020
Cummings Excuse Set Free

Cummings Excuse Set Free

I had to hold a huge party,To put my mind at rest,I thought I’d have a testTo lift the worry from my chestI may have become […]
June 28, 2020


Hundreds of happy hopefuls, arrived in song,Returning to the mother country, where they belonged.Expecting the English welcome, would be strong. Invited to integrate, into this white […]
June 28, 2020

Unread Solutions for Ministers

You have in your grasp, wise helpful reports.Solutions are left on your desk, in the shade;For years untouched, they have remained.Churchill the historian, won the war,Today, […]
June 24, 2020

The Coward

The coward cowers in his bunker deep,For him, there is no sleep.Hiding from the protesting throngDemanding equal rights, for so long. He cannot sleep, in this […]
April 10, 2019

The King’s Birthday tales

The cockerel at daybreak, heralded King Oberon’s day. Mother nature’s pallet, created beauty that day. Spectacular colours in the sky, were on display. Preparations commenced, many […]
May 7, 2016

Life is Short Temptation

Life is short, as you say, but let it be sweet. Free of pain, found in the embers of passion’s heat. Your honied words and gentle […]
February 5, 2013

Liza Midas

A blue and white diamond in the Mycenaean sea, Resting in her berth patiently waiting for me. Gently swaying to the harbour’s harmony, Of the rattle […]
February 5, 2013


I was there for you in spirit, for a year or more before my fall; Not clinging like the ivy on the ancient stone wall, But, […]
May 9, 2015


Those mutual golden times we had together; What fine memories of fun, we could not have had better. Now blighted by your one line of cheap […]
June 28, 2020
Donald Trump and Boris Johnson

The Terrible Twins

They are not men of integrityDevoid of common sense and honesty.They were given the trust of their countryThe responsibility, seems not taken seriously. Both nations ravished, […]
March 18, 2019

The Boy Who Wouldn’t Stop Playing Tennis.

The Boy was beating all on court All The Club’s members he fought Lay exhausted in a heap, soundly asleep. Must be his new racket, by […]
July 23, 2020

The Boy Who Wouldn’t Stop Loving Crawly Creatures.

At a party on the beach the other night.The Boy’s father saw a small black crab, in the moonlight.He knew how delighted his son would be, […]
February 27, 2019

The Boy Who Wouldn’t Stop Bouncing On His Bed

Every day and every night the boy jumped on his bed. “I can jump higher than my teacher’s head” he said “Higher than the ceiling here […]
March 18, 2019

The Boy Who Wouldn’t Wash His Hair

The Boy refused to wash his hair, Despite the smell, he didn’t care. One day the hat on his head moved He scratched his head, the […]