July 27, 2019

Children in Care?

We are all responsible, for children ’In Care.’ Removed from home, taken away from danger there. Why do we send children, away from their place? So […]
July 20, 2019

Positive Mental Health Day

Let’s have a Positive Mental Health Day; When everyone thinks of ways To brush stressful clouds away. Here are some thoughts, to deal with this issue. […]
July 20, 2019

Mark Field MP

What courage we saw today, on our screens A member of Parliament, taking the lead. For his own safety, he had no heed; Arresting a threatening […]
May 6, 2019

Endemic Xenophobia?

The head of Police, Judiciary and The President too, Were told Pilipino women, had gone from view. It seems no enquires made, not even a few, […]
May 6, 2019

The Second Wife

It was her aura, that drew me, across the room. Her purity of grace, shone from her young, beautiful face, Her Muslim head, in pale pink […]
April 16, 2019

Brexititis The Brexit Disease

Attacking the old, young, the sick and strong, It’s a deep depression, that goes on and on. Relentlessly it spreads, and savagely attacks; The cards for […]
April 15, 2019

The Brexit Musketeers

Four white, mediocre middle-aged men, With no notable achievements, having been made. Their names in history will undoubtedly fade Having brought the country down into the […]
April 10, 2019

Asylum Seekers

Listen to the pounding, of displaced persons feet. The world trembles to the beat, of invasion they won’t meet. It’s the destitute and fearful, who flee […]
April 10, 2019

Thrown Away

We throw away diamonds, hiding in chards of broken dreams. Forgetting golden treasures, stacked up for all once seen. Pure endeavours, spirit of kindness, in memory […]
April 10, 2019


The fear inside you, is so absurd. In a coy young virgin your words, from her, you may have heard. Seems you are frightened like a […]
October 31, 2013


We said goodby, before we said hello. Assuming judging guessing thinking too low, Killing the sweet green shoots of promise Our distorted senses telling us our […]
January 20, 2013


Unexpectedly, senselessly and thoughtlessly a cretin put down poison. They said to exterminate in the area, snakes and vermin. Now my cats that did this job […]
February 4, 2013

Policy Makers

So many unnecessary, bad decisions, it seems, by badly briefed politicians. Who are these people who advise? What real experience have they had in their lives? […]
November 22, 2012

How sweet is today

Now that you have walked away. Out of my life out of my world. How sweet is today How pure the air You’re out of my […]
July 23, 2020

The Boy Who Put Up With His Brother (Coronavirus)

The Boy is upsetAs his brother, is as irritating as he can get.For too long the lads, have been trapped in the house,Both are so very […]
February 27, 2019

The Boy Who Wouldn’t Stop Giving

To strangers, he gave away his things; He wondered what extra joy he could bring. His toys, his books, were all donated. Other charity shops, eagerly […]
May 28, 2012

Financial Free Fall

The world is in serious financial free fall. So many companies going to the wall. Where were our economic expert army’s? Why were they blind, to […]
January 20, 2013

Dear Mr. Cooke

Dear Mr. Cooke, from the Inland Revenue ministry, Errors are being made by your department, unnecessarily. I wrote on the first of September giving notification The […]
February 5, 2013

Humble Verse

The power of humble verse is considerable, To say in a line the most beautiful, or the most despicable, To paint a portrait of honesty, of […]
February 4, 2013

See Me

See me as a soldier, trained and ready to go To serve my Queen and country and give my life as well. My uniform is made […]